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Ancient History Resources: Select a Topic

A resource guide to topics in ancient world history, designed especially for 8th grade researchers
Amman Odeon 04

Choosing a Topic

If you are on this page because you have been assigned a research paper in 8th grade history, congratulations! This resource guide will help you through each step. You get to take a journey through time and space and learn from scholars along the way. Then, you will join their conversations when you write about your own ideas!

Important considerations when choosing a topic for research

What is the assignment?

You need to choose a topic from ancient world history; prehistory to 600 CE.

How much information will I need?

In other words, how big a project is this? A double-spaced 5-6 page paper is shorter than it might seem like. Your topic should be specific enough that you can address it within that boundary, but not so specific that you can't find enough information to answer your research question.

Most important - How interested are you?

You can write a paper on a topic that is not very interesting to you, but you won't like it, and you probably won't do as good a job. Your reader will notice! Choose a topic that interests you and if that's hard to do, talk it over with your teacher, librarian, and fellow students. Ask yourself: is there anything in ancient history that you wish the class could have spent more time on? If you were the teacher, what you want the class to know about?

Resources to Help with Topic Selection

Reference Sources to Browse in the Library