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Full-text access to scholarly articles in psychology and behavioral sciences.
Presents reference information and topic guides in all areas of science, along with related news, magazine, and scholarly journal articles.
JSTOR provides access to a vast archive of scholarly work in all disciplines.
From the publisher: ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics.
This free resource from EBSCO provides access to articles and citations on topics related to study of the environment.
Google Scholar is a search engine powered by Google that indexes scholarly and scientific articles. It can be a useful tool for discovering articles relevant to your search, however, you may be frustrated if you find articles for which you don't have full-text access. If you encounter that issue, here are some things to try:
A great citation management and note-taking tool. Sign in with your BMS Google account.
Why not take some tips from the Pecha Kucha method? This a style of presentation / storytelling in which the presenter uses no more than 20 slides, spends 20 seconds speaking per slide, and includes no more than five words per slide (not including the References slide). It's a technique to make sure that the presentation stays engaging, focused on you and your knowledge, and does not rely on overly text-heavy visuals. You are not required to adhere to this format, but see if it can help guide your presentation creation.