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Antebellum Reform
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Antebellum Reform: Home
Background / Biographical Information
Perfect Society
Beliefs and Values
Read the Comments
Citing Sources
How did 19th century reformers' ideas and beliefs complement or contradict each others', and shape the evolution of the United States?
Steps in Research Process for This Assignment
Locate Background Information
Use reference sources to learn general factual information about the person you are studying.
Views of a Perfect Society
Use the resources here to learn about your person’s view of a perfect society and their desired reforms.
Idea, Beliefs, and Values
Use these resources to help you learn about what your person believed in and the values and ideas that motivated their actions. How did they view the world and their place within it?
Discover Original Writings
Read some of your reformer's original writings from which you infer the beliefs and values that shaped their ideas.
Others' Responses
Use these resources to discover what others at the time had to say about your reformer's ideas.
Cite Your Sources
We use NoodleTools as a citation manager. You can also consult the Chicago Manual of Style and Purdue OWL for citation help.
Background / Biographical Information >>