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Foundations of the Modern World - Final Inquiry Unit: Home

A guide to help you through the process of selecting a topic for inquiry, exploring, asking good questions, and discovering your answers for your Personalized Research Project

Urbano Monti — World Map as of 1587

Fool's Cap World Map RMG L8314-001

China-World Map Ming front

Tabula Rogeriana 1929 copy by Konrad Miller

Exploring Your Topic

Use these resources when you are dipping in to reference sources to build your background knowledge about your chosen topic.

Going Deeper

Use these resources to find information sources that will help you discover the answer to your research question. These should be monographs (full length books on a subject, maybe from a university press), or scholarly journal articles. 

Staying Organized and Making Connections

Your Research Journal and Research Log will help you keep track of where and how you have looked for information, and help you make connections with other sources.